Saturday, January 22, 2011

In His Steps

The title of my blog site, "In His Steps," is the title of the painting you see in the background of the title.  It is my favorite painting.  Several years ago, before my wife and I had children, we shopped for art often.  I guess you could say that shopping for art was our hobby, we both enjoyed it very much and is something we both miss doing.  One particular Saturday my wife and I went to our favorite art and frame store in Brownsville, KY.  As we were browsing through the art, I came across this painting by Mark Keathley, and fell in love with it the very moment I saw it.

In the painting you see two small children following behind their father as he plows.  It reminds me of how every spring my Dad would put out a garden.  The first thing Dad would do was to till the garden spot.  In my mind, I can see him behind that tiler now.  As Dad would walk behind the tiler working the ground, I would go behind him carefully placing my feet in his tracks that he was leaving behind in the freshly tilled soil.  As I walked behind him, I would pretend that I, too, was using a tiler and working just as hard as he was.  To some this my be insignificant, but what I haven't told you was that a far back as I can remember I wanted to be just like my Father; my Dad was my hero.

This is exactly what God desires from all who are His children...He desires for us to be just like Him.  The Apostle Paul wrote to the Church in Epehsus, "Be imitators of God, as beloved children" (Ephesians 5:1, ESV).  Like children desire to be like their earthly parents, you and I are to strive to be like our heavenly Father.  So, the question we need to ask ourselves is who are we most like?  Are you like Satan - remember, Jesus told a group of religious leaders that they were just like their father, the Devil, who is the father of all lies?  Are you like the rest of the world - living your life to best of your ability just trying to get along in this world?  Or, are you like your heavenly Father?

How can we be like God?  How can we even know what God is like?  The answer to both of these questions is: by looking at Jesus Christ.  The Bible says, "He (speaking of the Son of God, Jesus) is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of His nature..." (Hebrews 1:3, ESV).  Everything we need to know about God is found in Jesus Christ because He is God in flesh.  Jesus said that He and the Father are One.  So, the way to be like be an imitator of walk "In His Steps," you must strive to be like Jesus.  Today, you should be more like Him than you were yesterday.  Tomorrow, you should be more like Him than you were today.  Everyday you and I need to strive to be like Jesus in every area of our lives...that means we are to think like Jesus, behave like Jesus, love like Jesus, forgive like Jesus, etc.

"Dear God, please press me into the mold of Your Son, Jesus Christ so that I will be pleasing and acceptable in Your sight."

In His Steps,
Pastor Tim


Steve and Brenda said...

Bro. Tim its so good to hear your words again. May God bless you and your new body of Christ.
Steve Phillips

Steve and Brenda said...

Bro. Tim its so good to hear your words again. May God bless you and your new body of Christ.
Steve Phillips