Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pray for the President

The Praying Hands...symbol of one of the most important aspects of the Christian's life.  The Bible repeatedly tells us about the importance and the need for prayer.  In fact the Bible tells us that we are to pray continually.  1 Thessalonians 5:17, "Pray without ceasing."  Prayer is vitally important to the life of the Christian.  Prayer is one of the most coveted things from other Christians.  In that popular passage in his letter to the Church in Ephesus, Paul told the believers there to put on the full armor of God (see Ephesians 6:10-20).  As he wrote about putting on the armor of God, Paul told them they needed to pray for God to keep them alert and for God to give them the strength to persevere.  He also instructed the believers in Ephesus to pray for each other, and Paul said, "...and also for me..." (Ephesians 6:19).  Paul coveted the prayer's of God's people.  I desire the prayers of God's people; in fact, I know of no one who would not want to be remembered in prayer.

It is surprising, to say the least, when a prayer meeting is protested.  This is exactly what happened February 4, 2010, during the annual Prayer Breakfast hosted by the President in the White House.  Outside was a group of gay activists who were protesting the presence of some of the evangelical leaders the President had invited to join him for prayer.  The gay activists claim that some of those evangelical leaders were responsible for the mistreatment of homosexuals in Uganda, leading them to protest their presence at the President's Prayer Breakfast.  

As February 4, 2011, draws upon us, the gay activists are threatening to protest again this year.  While there are those who want to protest this Prayer Breakfast, I want to give my support to the President for honoring the annual tradition of hosting a Prayer Breakfast in the White House.  There are several points that I would disagree with President Obama; but there is at least one point he and I would agree on, the need for prayer.  We need to pray for ourselves, our families, our friends, our church, our nation, and, let us not forget, our nation's leaders.

The Bible instructs us, "...I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way" (1 Timothy 2:1-2).  You may or may not agree with President Obama on many issues; but one thing is certain, you and I have a biblical mandate to pray for him.  As you think about praying for President Obama, or any national/political leader for that matter, for what should you pray?

First, and foremost, we ought to pray for his salvation.  Do not misunderstand me.  I am not suggesting that President Obama is lost.  Only God is the judge of the President's heart.  Since we do not know for certain that our President is a saved, i.e., born-again Christian, we need to pray that if he is not, God will save him.

Second, we need to pray that God give the President, and all of our nation's leaders, wisdom.  The Bible says in the book of James that if anyone lacks wisdom they should ask for God to give them wisdom, and He will grant it.  When Solomon was appointed king over Israel, God told him that He would give Solomon whatever he asked.  Of all that Solomon could have asked for, the one thing he requested was to be given wisdom to lead God's people rightly.  We need to pray that our President, and all our nation's leaders, be given the wisdom to lead this country rightly.

A third request to make on behalf of the President, and our nation's leaders, is that they be protected from the temptations that accompany their position.  There is so much abuse of power, and political corruption in our society; we hear of it almost daily.  We need to prayer that our leaders be protected from such temptations.

Finally, we should pray that God bless the work of our nation's leaders.  We all desire for God to bless our nation.  One of the ways God has blessed our nation in the past is through the work of our nation's leaders.  We need to pray that God blesses their work.  While we are at it, it would not hurt us to pray that God would bless them and their families as well.

There is so much more that we could pray for on behalf of our President and our nation's leaders.  If we were all to begin with these four suggestions given above, we would go a long way in seeing God begin to change the hearts of our leaders.  Remember, the Bible says, "The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will" (Proverbs 21:1).

In His Steps,
Pastor Tim

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